use that time wisely. It is a great time to go get help in the classes in which they are
struggling. Students can use the period to do homework or use it to study for an
upcoming test or maybe even to work on a group project.
I think that the REP period has been beneficial to me, especially last year and
when I use my time wisely. Last year, I got really good grades and I was getting tagged
a lot of the time. I would go and ask for teachers to help me if I wasn't understanding
things being taught in class. I would ask to be tagged so I could work on my homework
that I got from the class in case that I needed help on it. I could just say something …show more content…
while I was working on it than just waiting until it was due and saying that I did not
understand it and that I didn't have time to ask for help.
It made it easier for students to be able to get help. They wouldn't have to figure
out a time that worked for both of them or if they could stay after, rather there is a
period during the day set up for that and it's REP.
This year, I have REP in the auditorium. I know that if I go into the auditorium for
REP then I probably won't be doing much work, I'll want to be socializing with people.
Also the auditorium does not have tables or desks, just places to sit. That makes it
harder to try to attempt to do work when there is not a place to put your books and
binders, it's harder to have all your work in your lap than on a table.
Also I only come in for REP on blues days so it's important that I am using that
time the best I can and to try to get as much work done as possible so it's less I have to
do at home. It also helps me to keep my grades up and get help that I need on any
Overall, I think that REP is beneficial to students and even the teachers. If the
teachers don't tag students for a day, it will give them 40 more minute to prep for
class or to do something that they need to get done. If students are using their time
wisely and getting work done or getting help on a subject that they are struggling in, it
will be benefiting them.