Watching my speech, I noticed many delivery aspects that I did not realize about myself before, both vocally and non-verbally. Several vocal techniques I used, such as pacing myself when I spoke as well as using the appropriate volume and pitch for the class size were executed well. Also, non-verbally I used my hands to gesture while maintaining great eye-contact with the audience. I had some strength to my speech but there were some things that I could have and plan on doing to improve my speeches in the future. For example, a vocal aspect I noticed that I did not do well on was pausing during my speech. I would literally go from one topic or example to the next. Also, non-verbal improvements that I will make will consist of utilizing the space more and making sure I am not stagnant in one area or spot. I did move from one side to the other but I only did this once and in the future I will move around more.
2. Evaluate the content & organization of the speech? What worked well? What can you improve upon? Did you have full transitions-clearly worded? Do you think they helped …show more content…
the audience follow your points? Evaluate your evidence/supporting material. Source Citations?
My speech was organized in a very effective manner.
I successfully discussed some key purposes of an informative speech which included me informing the audience of what I would be discussing in addition to increasing the audience 's understanding of the topic by defining key terms, providing statistics, background information to the topic as well as tips that the audience could potentially apply to them or others in the future. One thing that I could have definitely improved on was the actual content. I could have given more creditable examples as well as supporting evidence. In the future I will make sure I use more references and cite more sources in my actual
3. Evaluate your visual aids. Quality? Did the slide help clarify the point or did it distract from your point? Appropriate Credit Lines? Did you use the slides effectively or ineffectively? What, if anything, would improve them?
Certain images I used, for example the meditation and iceberg, did fairly help transcribe and clarify the points I wanted to make but in discussing the subconscious mind there were only a limited amount images that I could utilize that would have been effective. So unfortunately for me, as far as visual aids are concerned, using the PowerPoint Presentation deemed only semi-effective in relaying the points I wanted to convey to the audience. No slides distracted my audience from the point I was trying to make but I believe with or without the PowerPoint presentation my informative speech would have been received in equivalence. In the future I plan to use more descriptive words within the actual PowerPoint if I am unable to find pictures or images to represent the message effectively.
4. Discuss any other observations regarding any aspect of your speech (preparation, using notes, etc…..).
In the future one thing that I did not discuss earlier will be the having less information on my note cards. Although I did not look at my note cards much, I noticed that when I actually did I would quickly get distracted from all the wording and had a hard time finding where I was actually at on the note card or potentially I will opt out of using note cards all together.