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Project Report On Performance Appraisal of BRAC Bank Limited part 4
Posted by zdhnsu on Sep 7th, 2010 // 3 Comments
Super Supply Loan
Super Supply Loan is a loan facility for Suppliers of various large retailers, marketing companies, manufacturing companies and various corporate houses. This product’s main objective is to help various Suppliers to meet their financial requirements.
• Entrepreneur having 2 (two) year’s experience in the same line of business • Operating the current business for last 1 (one) year
Loan Limit • From minimum BDT 4 lac up to maximum of BDT 30 lac
• Composite fatality of both Overdraft and Revolving limit • Customer can withdraw revolving loan amount as desired • Convenient repayment system of Revolving limit i.e. equal monthly installment and single installment
4.4. Foreign Trade and Treasury Division
BRAC Bank’s Foreign Trade and Treasury Division are well equipped with modern telecommunication infrastructure facilities like: SWIFT, Reuters, Bloomberg, Internet, Voice Recorder, etc. Treasury manages the Bank’s liquidity and its associated risk. It also manages foreign exchange transaction related risk exposure in a profitable manner.
Chapter 5: Performance Evaluation
To evaluate the performance of BRAC bank Limited the following parameters are considered in the next part of the paper. 1. Asset 2. Deposit 3. Investment 4. Operating Profit 5. Capital Adequacy 6. Loans & Advance 7. Non-funded Income 8. Revenue per Employee 9. Operating Cost per Employee 10. Cost to Income Ratio 11. Operating Cost as a Percentage of Loans and Advances 12.