Fast food is generally food or a meal which is pre-prepared, or which can be quickly cooked when you order it. You can buy fast food almost anywhere. Although fast food trend is quite new in Pakistan yet it is growing very fast, this indicate that such type of fast food restaurant have a very bright future in Pakistan .The two major fast food restaurants that have their outlets in the whole world, are giving tough competition to each other in Pakistan. Our research is based on the hypothesis that why people in Pakistan prefer KFC over Macdonald and we found that due to good quality and taste of food people prefer KFC .When KFC was introduced in Pakistan the prices was not affordable by people but now they have lower their prices. One reason was also the impressive packages due to which people prefer KFC over McDonald’s. While conducting our research we also came to know that KFC is more advertised this is one of the reasons that people prefer KFC over McDonald’s. We are going to discuss all of this in our research.
KFC is a spot light and McDonald’s is a side show.
The trend of fast food is increasing day by day in Pakistan, this research is designed to generate knowledge about fast food restaurant in Pakistan, and hence this research is based upon two leading fast food brands in Pakistan. The main objective is to know that which brand is popular among majority. Which among the two brands is of higher quality. Which brand is more economical .Hence in general we conducted this research because we wanted to know that which brand is preferred and what is the reason behind it.
In sampling plan we draw sample, sample is basically a segment of the population selected for research to represent the population as a whole. In our research we targeted people from 18 to 30 .So we approached people who visit KFC and McDonald’s .Our sample size is 40 from the whole population .Our research
References: Haider Tayyab, KFC McDonald’s Food Quality Comparison, 12, 10, 2002 Jekanowski Mark, McDonald’s versus KFC who will win, 7,6,2009, Johnson Michel, McDonald’s History, 2,21,2003, Keems Jack, KFC and McDonald’s comparison, 11,22,2007 Rehman Hameed, 2005, International Fast Food Chains Statistics, Khabarnama News Velazquez Allin, KFC and McDonald’s in Pakistan, 11, 11, 2009,