I disagree that students' should have to participate in activities because it gives the students a restricted schedule.
Most people in high school have jobs, so it would be difficult for them to work around that and have to change their schedule. If they can't manage a way around it, then they would have to quit their job and won't make any money. Additionally, most boys and girls through elementary, middle, and high school do some kind of sport, no matter if it's dance, softball, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, and many more. Doing sports takes a lot of time and commitment, and if we have after school activities we most likely would have a hard time doing sports with it. With sports, homework, possibly jobs, and maybe hard things going on at home, that is way too much on one kids plate. Having all that to do would make me stressed a lot and it would be hard for me to focus on all of that at one time. When people get stressed, it's hard to sleep, and eat, and then they become depressed, nobody wants that for there life.
Another reason why we shouldn't have to participate in activities because it potentially could affect our grades. When kids are looking forward to something later on in the day, it's hard to focus on school work when your'e worried about something more entertaining and fun, so then it causes us to lose focus and our grades drop. If we have after school stuff to do, normally when we get home, we do homework, and then we have to eat and get stuff done like chores, showers, and sports, therefore we wouldn't have time for homework, and that also would make our grades
Finally, the last reason I dislike the idea of school activities is because if people don't like that activity, they won't put much effort into the activity. When people are quiet around loud and outgoing people and they ask that person to contribute to the activity, that person will start getting mad and they will start arguing, and if arguing doesn't work, they will fight. Then all the teachers would have to get involved and everything would get disorganized. And after a fight, students most likely will not behave after witnessing a fight.
Having extra activities after school would put a lot of pressure on kids and adults period. While having an extracurricular activity is good for you, but whether it is in school or outside school should be the students choice to find their own passion. Doing dance for the amount of time that I have been doing it and the amount of effort and time I put into it, I can't imagine not being able to do dance because of school activity. I disagree that kids should have to participate in a after school activity because it restricts the students' schedule, it majorly effects your grades, and the amount of effort and causes argument and fighting.