
Rob Dallier Monologue

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Rob Dallier Monologue
“Hey Banjo, look what we have here!” utters my friend Rob, pointing to the straggler in our hallway. Point Pleasant High School is filled with tons of puny, peculiar, and ponderous kids that don’t know how to socialize with each other. As a matter of fact, they pretty much go home everyday after school and divert to video games until school begins the next day. The straggler looks at me with his hazy ocean-blue eyes and I return with my glare. “Banjo why don’t we teach this itty-bitty freshman how we run our school around here!” says Rob with a laugh. Rob and I run over to the lingerer and grab him by his shirt. Together, we open one of the lockers and cram the dilly-dalliers body in a locker. Rob and I enjoy a good laugh.
The next morning I distinguish that there is a new kid on my bus. Everyone in the front rows is babbling to him. I roll my eyes and shrug. Then, the new kid turns around and eyeballs at me. Everyone on my bus knows not to even put a glare in my direction. “So how about you,
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“Nope, you're too new for me to do that just yet, I’m just curious,” I exclaim.
Raphael stares and says “Well I think the person that impacted me the most so far was this guy named Xavier.” He pauses. “I went to a different school before this one and everyone always made fun of me because I am missing one leg.” He takes off his artificial leg. “Therefore, I always came home from school crying and telling my parents but they didn’t care. They are always too busy drinking their problems away.” I don’t say anything. “And then I met Xavier, man was he exquisite. I never had someone care that much about me.”
The next morning, I saunter aimlessly into school and find Rob picking on Raphael. “Hey Banjo, was this the loser you were talking about!” Raphael looks at me in flabbergast. I see the vexation and the treachery in his alligator green eyes, and recall what he has gone

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