December 9, 2014
Final Research Paper
Professor Sequeira
By 1760 BC, slavery was known for its cruelty towards people who had to work for their money. For those people who needed help the most, they were the ones to suffer first. This tragic system was used in almost every civilization there was back in the years of Ancient Greece through the late 1950’s. The term slavery means holding a person or a group of people as if it was somebody’s property and having them do whatever it is the owner desires. It’s unfortunate how someone can be held from the moment they are apprehended or worst, the day they’re born.
Most of the time the owners would buy a young boy because they are beneficial when it …show more content…
Their cases have been unusually similar and it’s something that’s alarming to the rest of the world. To sum it up, there has been two separate occasions when a white police man shot a black teenager who wasn’t doing anything wrong. Trayvon Martin was just the wrong place at the wrong time; apparently he was in a very dark place. George Zimmerman, the neighborhood night watch captain for Twin Lakes, reported Trayvon for being a suspicious character. After reporting him, he was advised not to get out of the SUV vehicle or approach Trayvon. But unfortunately he does what he’s told not to do and basically interrogates Trayvon for being where he was. After that, no one really knows what happened but it ended with George Zimmerman tragically shooting Trayvon. Under those circumstances, George should have been penalized even more, because he got away with killing someone who was unarmed. Something like this matter shouldn’t be ignored; he should be arrested for his wrong …show more content…
He was buying cigarellos from a local 711, and he was thought to be getting more than what he paid for. A customer reports him and then comes Darren Wilson, the officer. What ended up happening was that he shoots Mike Brown four times in the arm and two in the head. Once again, this occurrence has greatly impacted many civilians. People will deny discrimination and yet we still participate in it. Changes need to be made, because Martin Luther King has spoken about how equality should apply everywhere to everyone. It is not acceptable to be treating black people as if they’re someone totally different.
In contrast, the people who are for slavery take it to their advantage. Slaves would be the only ones working the cotton fields from the peak of the day till night. This made the owner of the plantations have a lot of money because the more cotton picked, the more money they receive from selling it to the companies. Therefore, this helped them remain having the lavish life of theirs while the slaves do all the work. It’s great for economical use because no one else would be able to work that kind of labor unless it’s the blacks. They become very useful for planting and picking the