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The Attendance System
The attendance system is based around tracking student absences, since there should be fewer of them than presences. An attendance record is stored for a student only when they are absent (or late) from school. No record is stored when they are present. This is the easiest approach in terms of record entry. This system is also designed to accomodate the problems of K-12 schools that may have different attendance periods per day for different grades. ( K-6 may have 2 attendance periods per day (Morning and Afternoon) while 7-12 have 6 periods per day, that correspond to teaching periods ).
The attendance record contains:
The Date and the Period of the absence. The local Student Number of the student. The Reason for the absence. The Subject-Section of a subject for subject based attendance. A Late field to track minutes late (little used).
Since elementary schools normally don't have subject based attendance, the subject field in their records will be blank. Only subject based attendance methods normally used in high schools fill in this field.
Attendance Entry Methods
Depending on the school, attendance may be entered by the secretary or by the teachers, or possibly, both.
On the main admin site, the single date method is designed for missing teacher entry of attendance since the secretary is entering attendance for the entire school rather than a particular homeroom or subject (which