The school break is not simply a breather from studies, but is also a time for many different activities. The summer camps at schools, special programs in gymnasiums, local sports clubs and other healthy activities are at their peak in these breaks. These are not only another way of utilizing the energy of children, but they also help in pruning the all-rounder abilities, and developing healthy habits. These activities provide an opening for the future versatile nature of the youth.
School holidays are meant to be family time. The regular schedule does not allow children to intermingle with their parents and families. Holidays are a time for family out-door activities too. In this time, parents can take children on an expedition. Such out-door fun activities enhance the knowledge and widen the scope of thoughts. They also helps in getting closer with the family. They also help in sharing thoughts and gaining some extra information from parents and others, all these things cannot be learnt in schools and classrooms.
Moreover, school staff, teachers and office workers also need some relief from routine work. These holidays not only help them in relaxing, but also provide a time to re-schedule, revise and make changes in the next up-coming session. It is also a time for school to make any changes in the classrooms, completing the construction work and doing maintenance work. Often libraries need more maintenance and updates. As in the regular school, all these things will cause a hindrance in the studies. Hence holidays are the best time for such kind of jobs.
In short, it can be seen that holidays are an important part of the school life. If schools remain open all year long, the tight schedule will become tiring and boring. It will cause many problems for the children, their parents and the school