At the end of the course, the student -teachers will be able to
understand the nature and scope of Physical Science know the aims and objectives understand the principles of curriculum construction and organization of subject matter understand the skills in the teaching of Physical Science and to develop the skills in them through classroom teaching in acquiring skills relating to planning their lessons and presenting them effectively an understanding of the technology of teaching Physical Science and give them practice in the use of audio visual aids understand the techniques of evaluating Science teaching and to construct achievement test to evaluate the progress of pupils develop a theoretical and practical understanding of the various methods and techniques of teaching Physical Science and the importance of self-learning devices estimate the facilities required for the organization and maintenance of Science laboratory understand the criteria in selecting a good textbook and to evaluate a Science textbook. organize different co-curricular activities in Science understand the special qualities of a good Science teacher, acquire those qualities and to evaluate himself or herself UNIT-I: Nature and Scope of Science Nature and Scope of Science-Science as a product and a process–a body of knowledge (Empirical knowledge, Theoretical knowledge-facts, concepts, hypotheses, theory, principle, law)-a way of investigation-a way of thinking-Inter disciplinary approach-New
UNIT-II: Aims and Objectives of Teaching Physical Science Aims and Objectives of teaching Physical Science-General and Specific Objectives of teaching Physical Sciences-Bloom 's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor)-Aims and Objectives of teaching Physical Science at different levels-Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary. UNIT-III: Micro Teaching Microteaching and its
References: Sharma, P.C. (2006). Modern Science Teaching, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi. Nayak, (2003). Teaching of Physics, APH Publications, New Delhi. Pandey, (2003). Major Issues in Science Teaching, Sumit Publications, New Delhi. Yadav, M.S. (2003). Teaching of Science, Amol Publications. Jenkins, E.W. (Ed.) (1997). Innovations in Science and Technology Education, Vol. VI, UNESCO, Paris. UNESCO. (1993). Final Report : International Forum on STL for All. UNESCO, Paris. Anderson, R.D et al. (1992). Issues of Curriculum Reform in Science, Mathematics and Higher Order Thinking Across the Disciplines. The Curriculum Reform Project, University of Colorado, U.S.A. Carin & Robert Sund, (1989). Teaching Modern Science (Fifth Edition), Merill Publishing Co., U.S.A. Gupta, S.K. (1985). Teaching of Physical Science in Secondary Schools, Sterling Publication (Pvt.) Limited. Heiss, Obourn & Hoffman (1985). Modern Science in Secondary Schools, Sterling Publication (Pvt.) Limited. Sharma, R.C. (1985). Modern Science Teaching, Dhanpat Rai and Sons. Edgar Dale, Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching, Revised Edition, Thy Dryden Press, Newyork. Siddifit Siddiqi, (1985). Teaching of Science Today and Tomorrow, Doals House. Patton, M.Q. (1980). Qualitative Evaluation Methods, Sage Publications, India. UNESCO. (1979). The UNESCO Source Book for Science Teaching. UNESCO, Paris. Panner Selvam, A. (1976). Teaching of Physical Science (Tamil), Government of Tamil Nadu. Nair, C.P.S. (1971). Teaching of Science in our Schools, Sulthan Chand & Co. (Pvt.) Limited. Rao, C.S. (1968). Science Teacher 's Handbook, American Peace Crops. Joseph, (1966). The Teaching of Science, Harvard University Press. Kerr, S.T., (Ed.), Technology and the Future of Schooling, University of Chicago Press, U.S.A. Newbury N.F., Teaching of Chemistry in Tropical Secondary Schools, Oxford University Press. Owen, C.B. (1966). Methods of Science Master, The English Language Society and Macmillan Company Limited. Thurber, Walter, A., and Collettee, Alfred, T. (1964). Teaching Science in Today 's Secondary School, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Saunders, A.N. (1955). Teaching of General Science in Tropical Secondary School, Printed in Great Britain by Butter and Taunen Limited, London. Summer, W.L. (1945). Teaching of Science, Oxford.