Should college education be free? Well I think it should, not only will it benefit families it would benefit our futures too. Having a free college experience will make people feel more encouraged, not worrying about payments or having paying loans on time. People may argue that we will become lazy by not paying for college. They think paying for college will mold us into responsible adults and that it would ruin the economy. Going to college for free would be a dream for students who came here with little to no money. These students are looking for a better future and know they can’t afford it.Many people who want to go to college drop out, because it is too expensive. People need to really consider what is important their kids education or how much money the government wants to make.
One reason why college should be free for everyone is, because there will be no college loans to stress students. Some people might say college loans will benefit the students in shaping them to be more responsible, because they would have more hours to pay their loans off. This is not true, because people can become more responsible in other ways such as getting to school on time and paying their bills. Not paying college loans would increase savings and a chance of a debt free …show more content…
People may argue that free college education would ruin the economy, because colleges won’t make any money from their students instead the government will have to pay for everything. Having a free college wouldn’t ruin the economy, because the students will eventually graduate and get paid more which will later be paid off in taxes to the government. Not only will the government earn more money by implying taxes on citizens, they will also expand in more ways such as having more jobs for people and populations will expand over