Stem cells can separate into different specialized cells and they are undifferentiated biological cells. It can also produce more stem cells through mitosis. Stem cells are found in organism that made by more than one cell such as mammals. There are two types of stem cells which are embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Their characteristics are depends on their potential to build into different cell types such as muscle, heart, lung, bones etc.(David Prentice,2016)
Adult stem cells have two functions which are self renewal and the ability to divide indefinitely. It can generate the cells from the origin organs and eventually the entire organ is regenerated. For example liver transplantation. …show more content…
The cells of the inner cell mass of a blastocyst are the embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent stem cells which can develop into any types of cells such as neurons and insulin.
Embryonic stem cells are recommended to make the regenerative medicines and tissue replacement therapies after injury or disease. It is because of their unlimited ability to have self renewal. It also have the potential to make infinite amount of cells for transplantation therapies. That means it can help to treat a wide range of disease. For example, if someone have Parkinson’s disease or stroke or other neurological problems, he can use embryonic stem cells to replace his neurons. (Stefanie Kuhn, …show more content…
(Stefanie Kuhn, 2017) For example, diabetes. Many people are waiting for donations of pancreas or islet allograft transplantation to treat their disease. The paucity of islet allograft transplantation and donations for pancreas has caused the investigate for embryonic stem cells as a replacement for insulin or beta-cell. (Assady S, 2001) Thinking economically, embryonic stem cells can help with a lot of people instantly and it can help to treat different kinds of disease such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease and blood cancer. It is very convenient and people doesn’t need to wait for donation of organs. Therefore using embryonic stem cells is reducing the cost of treating disease especially for a lot of people. In economics, there is full cost which is simply monetary cost and non-monetary cost. Time is a non-monetary cost. Patient can treat their disease instantly and doesn’t need to wait for donation of organs. Also if the patient wait for a long time the condition of their disease might deteriorates. Therefore using embryonic stem cells is reducing the cost of treating disease especially for a lot of people and it is also reducing the probability of deterioration of their