First off tired students wake up later and have less time to get ready. these students are more likely to be late to school, or miss the bus. Then their parents have to drive them, Most children's
parents go to work, and cannot drive them. what happens when they miss the bus? we would be able to relax more in the morning instead of rushing. Starting school later would ease a lot of frustration and stress.
Secondly when teens are tired, they don't focus on school work and have more to do later. This would mean them staying up even later loosing more and more sleep. Thus by lathering the school start times we increase the amount of work done in school, while decreasing the work done out of school. This enables teens to go to sleep earlier and be more rested. We would have less homework. It has been proven that it is harder to go to sleep for teens, because they are entering adult hood and will begin to need less sleep.
Now, when students get more Rest they are more likely to feel better about themselves. When they feel better about themselves they are less likely to want to put down outher people. Certain things that are sometimes caused by lack of sleep are depression and illness. The risk of these things would go down significantly if we started school just a little later. Also in the scope article by Justin Oneil Should School Start Later it states,"70% of teens don't get enough sleep." This confirms we should do all we can to increase the amount of sleep they get.
To conclude, Tardiness, depression, and bullying would all be reduced if we pushed back the starting times of schools. Also we would rise in terms of academics. Taking in information is better than forgetting most of it. Bullying should also be decreased meaning students can focus less on what people say and take in more of what they are learning.