
Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet

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Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet
Romeo and Juliet are a very loving couple and are a very pitiful of pair of lover. There are they meet at Capulets' banquet and love at first sign. Romeo usually secretly to meet Juliet, are been discovered by others. The they are secretly married in the church. Romeo meets Tybalt in the street and is challenged by him to a duel. Romeo refuses to fight and his friend Mercutio is so disgusted by this 'cowardice' that the takes up the challenge instead. As Romeo tries to break up the fight, Tybalt kills Mercutio and, enraged, Romeo then kills Tybalt. The Prince arrives and, on
Follow the first page; body. Trying to break into the Capulet crypt, Romeo is disturbed by Paris and they fight. Romeo kills Paris and reaches Juliet's body. He drinks

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