
Similarities Between The Rights And The Declaration Of Rights

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Similarities Between The Rights And The Declaration Of Rights
In this paper I will be discussing ‘The Declaration’ and ‘The Declaration of Rights’. ‘The Declaration’ was made by William III, and stated his reasons for opposing James the II, who was the King of England and bringing an army into England. His goal was to make the citizens of England sympathetic to his cause and gain their support. ‘The Declaration of rights’ was written by Parliament, and stated how they wished for the country to be run by giving them more power to rule, they achieved this goal by getting William the III and his wife Mary to accept their conditions in exchange for being made the King and Queen of England. ‘The Declaration’ was written to help authorize William’s right to be king in the eyes of the English people. Many still believed James the II was the rightful king and before this time it was unheard of for Parliament to make someone king, usually the king was seen as a holy figure, whose rule was chosen by God and as such only God could take that power away. William claimed he would let his army bring no harm upon the English citizens and that they were only there to insure a free and fair parliament ruled. William …show more content…
Like ‘The Declaration’ they also listed their grievances with James II and the actions he took that went against them and the laws that were in effect. It gave everyone in Parliament freedom of speech while parliament was being held, you could still be prosecuted for speaking outside of Parliament though. It also greatly reduced government corruption and led to a much more modern government similar to what is in place today. The King and Queen could not long create or suspend laws without Parliament approval. In order to be king, William III accepted their terms and the constitutional monarchy was put in place in

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