This assignment has its starting point on defining quality in health and social care and how it can be delivered in a care setting. Subsequently, the role that the manager has in promoting, supporting and delivering the provision of good quality service to service users will be discussed. Moreover, as this process is not exempt from obstacles, especially in the current economic climate; it is therefore important to explore the elements that managers need to consider when assuring quality and saving costs. …show more content…
Quality control has to do with monitoring services, it is top-down and reactive and it only identifies where practice has not met standards. On the other hand, Quality Assurance is proactive, bottom- up, promotes quality instead of imposing it, and involves more staff when it comes to deliver quality care. It is a systematic approach to service delivery that consists of documenting processes, ensuring and supporting staff along with reviewing practice. It also implies a change in the culture of the services, in terms of preventing errors, so that the idea of quality becomes embedded (Walker, Murray and Atkinson, 2003, pp. …show more content…
Fortunately, there are frameworks that prove to be useful when scoring a service. Firstly, the Audit Commission and Social services Inspectorate were the two main bodies responsible for improving quality. Since 1998, the two bodies have started Joint Reviews, followed by Quality Protect Programme and Best Value (Walker, Murray and Atkinson, 2003, p. 169).
The Audit Commission uses indicators based on performance to evaluate the functioning of public services. The social Services Inspectorate supports and inspects quality assurance approaches in local authorities. Joint Reviews evaluate how good services are from the point of view of people who use them. The Quality Protects Programme focuses on improving the quality of children’s services and Best Value reviews entails local authorities to review services by using the four Cs (challenging, comparing, competing and consulting) (Walker, Murray and Atkinson, 2003, p. 174).
As quality is about improving services to users, it is therefore important to gain better understanding on how to implement quality the best possible way. In the health and social care field, two approaches are used to translate quality into practice. These are Quality Management and the Excellence