[edit]External links
Voice: (632) 524 1751
Fax:(632) 521 7374 rrjimenezjr@tourism.gov.ph
Daniel G. Corpuz
Undersecretary, Tourism Planning and Promotions
Voice: (632) 400 1913 524 2406 dgcorpuz@tourism.gov.ph Atty. Maria Victoria V. Jasmin
Undersecretary, Tourism Regulation, Coordination & Resource Generation
Voice: (632) 525-6074
Fax: (632) 523 2194 mvjasmin@tourism.gov.ph Ma. Theresa I. Martinez
Undersecretary, Office of Special Concerns and Legislative Liaison Office
Voice: (632)
Fax: (632) mtmartinez@tourism.gov.ph Atty. Eugene T. Kaw
Assistant Secretary and Chief of Staff
Office of the Secretary
Voice: (632) 524 1751
Fax:(632) 521 7374 etkaw@tourism.gov.ph Benito C. Bengzon, Jr.
Assistant Secretary, International Tourism Promotions
Voice: (632) 526 7653
Fax: (632) 524 2103 bcbengzonjr@tourism.gov.ph Domingo Ramon C. Enerio III
Assistant Secretary, Tourism Planning and