According to Bladen et al. (2012:3), events are temporary, they reunite people, they can occur on a regular basis, but each of them are unique. Event Job Search (2012) adds that an event can be defined as a situation where a company presents itself directly to its targeted audience. However, none of those definitions are really precise. Indeed, the scope of the event industry is so diverse that it is difficult to really define it. The development of the communication channels such as the internet and the ease of travel have made the event industry growing (O’Toole 2010: XXI). Indeed, according to Britain for Events (2012), nowadays the event industry attracts 7 million of visitors per year in UK, the value of the event industry in UK is £36.1 billion and it employs 530 000 workers. In 2020, the events industry will be worth £48.4 billion.
However, Robinson et al. (2010: 239) argue that it is difficult to measure the real size of the industry because the sector is highly diverse and that there is an encroachment with other sectors such as the hospitality sector (People1st 2010). According to Sharkey (2009), various international events occurring in the UK will boost the Hotel Industry. Berkeley Scott (2012) add value to that idea with the example of the Olympics in London, saying that the extras visitors expected for the event would stimulate the Hospitality Industry through hotels, restaurants and pubs.
Fletcher (2012) categorises events in conferences, meetings, sporting spectacles, exhibitions, product launches, festivals and incentive programs. Bowdin et al. (2010:19) bring another approach to the categorisation of events: according to them, events are categorised regarding their size and the impact they have: the bigger the impact is, the bigger the event is. Getz (1999) also supports that theory saying that mega-events are the ones that produce the highest level of tourism, media coverage, economic impact or prestige for their host