A student information management system (SIMS) is a software application for education establishments to manage student data. Student information systems for entering student testa school, college or university. Also known as student information system (SIS), student records system (SRS), student management system (SMS), campus management system (CMS) or school management system (SMS).
The Student Information Management System (SIMS) is a student-level data collection system that allows the Department to collect and analyze more accurate and comprehensive information, to meet national and state reporting requirements, and to inform policy and programmatic decisions.
Generic needs of the education sector from a SIMS perspective: 1. Better access to education for students with equity and quality. 2. Maintenance of students data and data analysis for betterment of students: 3. Online Performance evaluation System : 4. Better felicitation and sharing of knowledge: 5. Faculty Sharing: 6. Online Examinations: 7. Students learning at individualized Pace and real time feedback on their performances: 8. Development of a collaborative network with industry players and foreign education providers. 9. Involving Parents with a student’s learning process. 10. Managing the Classroom. 11. Handling the admissions process. 12. Maintaining records of absences and attendance.
Specific needs of the India education sector and how different are they from the rest of the world: 1. Better access to education for students with equity and quality:
With regard to equity, there is a wide disparity in higher education across states, urban and rural areas, gender and communities.
2. Better quality education with uniform fee structure. 3. Governance models. 4. Affordability. 5. Low cost Student Information Management Systems requirements. 6. Handling a complex