Ann Cornish
13th May 2015
How Walt Disney ruined our lives
1. This articles topic was about Walt Disney movies and why they ruined peoples lives.
2. The purpose of this article was to explain why Disney princess/romantic movies ruined peoples perception of love and marriage and their lives leading to many divorces.
3. Thesis: The entire short second paragraph.
4. The author is Robert Eptein, PHD from Harvard, author of 15 books, research psychologist. I don’t think he has the credibility to be talking about Disney movies just because he is a well educated man.
1. Magazine article, Brandels magazine.
2. The author is very educated but the article is in general terms for everyone to read since it is a magazine article. …show more content…
this articles topic is a reflective essay on lessons that the author has learned in her career as a registrar.
2. The purpose of this article was to explain the skills that are important to becoming a successful registrar. To give advice and tell their perspective for oncoming registrars.
3. Thesis: “ regardless of the personal story, I believe that there are skill sets that are crucial to becoming and remaining a successful registrar.
4. The author of this article is Daniel J. Bender who we know is a professional school registrar. He has credibility in this subject because he is experienced in this area of work.
1. College and university, vol. 88, no. 3 spring 2013 acedemic journal article higher education journals.
2. The language of this article is both technical and general because there are some sentences with higher technical terms and some sentences in general more simpler terms.
3. Target audience could be academic people who are educated in school and reading this article to know more about being a professional registrar.
1. The writer uses personal anecdotes and appeals to their own area of