The total budget for the event was $360.00. This was well under the estimate of over $500.00. This was a result of the food and supplies being provided by the coaching staff. For this cost, we not only got the food and supplies, but posters, decorations, and covers for the tables. The only additional cost was for the cook and the use of his propane fryer, which was supplied by Til’s Grill. Also, the costs of printing the posters and the receipt books were lower than estimated which resulted in a great savings. Meal pre-sales brought in a total of $340.00. This was lower than the estimated total of $810.00. That was because of the “No Food Sales” rule at the high school before 4:00 pm. We could not guarantee that everyone placing a pre-order would receive their food prior to their scheduled departure times. In total the profit of the event was $1485.00 in donations. This total made the event come in under our budget, but over our own expectations.
Event Summary …show more content…
The event execution started at 2:30 pm on the day of the event.
At that time Coaches Tammy Brown, Yolanda Brock, and Paul Pinkney set-up the venue and tables. After school, the rest of the participating member arrived to put any final touches of the venue, to make sure they were ready and knew their individual parts. Coach Brock, was responsible for staying close to the table to make sure the count was correct and to ensure donors with any questions regarding items they purchased was addressed. As well as speaking to the guests as the entered our area and encouraged them to donate to our program. As the night went on, we kept track of the food making sure that each item was restocked as soon as possible. However, we ran out of chicken, macaroni and cheese, fries and bread, costing us several lost donations. After conferring with my coaching staff, we made the decision to replace the chicken with sausages thereby lower our
The event, overall, was a complete success. All items, except one, were sold out!
All the basketball players were kind and courteous to the donors and went around delivering them food with smiles. They kept the area clean by picking up the napkins and other discarded items. The coaching staff and players mingled with guests, but also had a chance to enjoy the fruits of their labor by snacking on the food, having a drink, and enjoying the game. The only drawback, was with so many students involved in the event, and most of their efforts taking place at the same time, they found themselves without much to do, and mostly stayed in one area. The only recommendation to fix this issue, would have been to schedule shifts.