June 2014
1. Executive Summary
Amorphous Systems has been tasked with designing a solar powered, water desalination system by Sunshine Water Pty Ltd. This system is to be utilised in remote communities where fresh water sources are sparse and connection to the state electricity grid may be difficult. The design is to consider various aspects relating to: tank and stand, pump and filter, and solar array.
The design goals have been defined in the Client Brief as:
1. Maximise the rate at which potable water can be produced;
2. Minimise the capital cost of equipment;
3. Maximise the volume of stored water without exceeding the budget.
To achieve optimum results, Amorphous Systems has analysed variables such as tank dimensions, stand height, maximum bore head, pump models (A and B), solar panel numbers and whether a solar tracker is to be used or not. As a result of this …show more content…
The project goals and guidelines supplied by Sunshine Water Pty Ltd (Client Brief Version 2, 2014) have been used to provide an optimised design solution to the problem.
This proposal will provide a summary in relation to the following technical analyses:
1. The Storage Tank Dimensions and Stand;
2. The Pumps, Reverse Osmosis (RO)Filter and Energy Recovery Unit (ERU);
3. The Solar Panels and Solar Tracker Consideration.
The aforementioned topics have been modelled to manipulate practical variables in order to achieve the recommended optimal design.
3 Technical Analysis
In the following three sections, a summary of the engineering science used to find a solution to the project will be presented. These sections have been nominated by Sunshine Water Pty Ltd as per the Client Brief.
3.1 The Storage Tank Dimensions and