Customer Demographics:•Female•14-18 yrs old•middle class• high school education•have average 2 siblings•parents both work, have college degrees•outdoor active lifestyle•interest in surf, skateboarding, and/or snowboarding•personality is free spirited, spontaneous, social, and sport orientedIn regards to the statistics of the buyer profile compared to the actual product consumer profile is influenced by outside factors. An average of 45% of the customers where young girls with a female parental that purchased items, 35% of the customers were young women in groups of 2 or more, while 15% of those groups all purchased individual items.…
Active-wear appears to fit very well with the Vigor division and their target customers. The increasing trend in women wearing active-wear not only for the gym but also for fashion purposes is growing as can be observed by competitor divisions offering the product line. Reports found that the active-wear lines had a turnover rate of almost twice the rate of current Harrington Collection apparel. As "trend setters" current Vigor customers would be attracted to the new product line, and a survey of Harrington customers confirmed this with 10% of existing customers willing to buy active-wear sets if they were available. Harrington Collection's requires the release of a new active-wear collection in order to remain competitive in the marketplace, and by releasing a higher quality active-wear line synonomous to the Vigor brand image, can fill this potential market space.…
Beachbody has pursued a corporate strategy of growth for their business. Their vast product selection continues to grow, offering customers their choice of a product that is specific to their needs. Their involvement in the fitness, supplemental, workout equipment and recent entrance into the beauty products market has created a diversified product lineup (Beachbody Company Overview). Their website has offered their customers more resources to achieve their personal goals through social networking and…
Old Navy operates a chain of 960 stores in North America. Old Navy offers its own brand if women’s, men’s, and children’s clothing and accessories at discount prices. According to Yahoo Finance, in 2006, the company’s revenue grew 1.6 percent to $6.86 billion.…
Based on research of Simply Sunless, marketing is the process in most need of change over the coming year. Every day more than 1 million people tan in tanning salons. Of these people, 70% are Caucasian girls between the ages of 16 and 29. With annual indoor tanning revenues estimated to be over $2.6 billion, having effective… people use make-up to create a tanned appearance while others may get a .... For those women who cannot dispense with a swimsuit, they at times tan ...…
Surf Dive ‘n’ Ski’s brand has been about development so that the business can meet customer needs and its expansion into digital media space is no different. The surf retailer’s goal is to continually see how to present the brand in the greatest fashion possible.…
Two dominant approaches that can be used when seeking to market to a broad range of consumers are segmentation and mass marketing. The traditional segmentation view of marketing suggests that market segments should be carefully researched for important differences, and then strategies developed to suit each specific segment. Mass marketing on the other hand favours marketing a product in the same way to all segments based on the assumption that many consumers’ preferences are often quite similar. Which approach is most suited to the marketing of fashion clothing? What are the drivers of purchasing behaviour associated with fashion clothing? Do these drivers differ across market segments or are they generally similar across segments? Market research can be conducted to provide answers to these questions based on evidence collected from consumers. This research project will seek to identify the determinants of fashion purchasing within Australia, with consideration to possible differences across market segments. Interviews will be conducted to explore the drivers of fashion purchase behaviour (first assignment) and then a survey will be used to quantitatively examine these drivers (second assignment).…
Adaptability – Starting with Docker’s, Levi Strauss & Co. was able to adapt their brands, more so than Snapple, in response to changes in consumer values, opinions and the need to for their product to remain contemporary relevant (Keller, 2008a, pg. 143). The Dockers brand was the first casual pant of its kind and over the years changed to include wrinkle free, khakis and stain defender technology to compete with various clothing manufacturers by offering consumers high-fashion and high-tech styles (Keller, 2008b). As the brand evolved, Dockers also updated their slogans to enhance the new brand image, which helped the consumer to grasp the meaning of the brand (Keller, 2008a, pg. 159). For example when Docker’s switch from “Nice Pants” to “Dress to Live”, the new slogan represented Dockers recently expanded product offerings, going past just pants and helped to make consumers aware of the new clothing items (Keller, 2008b, pg. 217).…
A look at how Speedo 's Aqualab team—which includes garment engineers, materials experts, and product developers—created LZR reflects not only how swimsuit design has advanced along with technology but also the cutthroat competition that propels companies to innovate continually. Aqualab…
Whether you are young or old, skin care is an important part of caring for your body. It’s no wonder that skin care companies spend much time coming up with formulations designed to reach diverse markets. There are specific products for various age groups, skin types, life styles and budgets. To effectively market a skin care line, marketers must cover some key areas. Our primarily focus on this analysis would be on skin care products for women in their 50’s.…
2. Apply the concept of aspirational groups to Victoria’s Secret Pink Line .Should marketers have boundaries with regard to this concept?…
Targeting Positioning Affluent women aged over 30s Prestige skin care Premium price R&D team: Market research → catches up demanding Japanese women, Develop Technology → excels Japanese competitors Sales: Training → beauty counselors, Promotion → Counter design…
Our product is targeted to Entry level middle class employees, College and High School Men. We chose to target this group because these are people who spend most on fashion, compared to other age groups,(i.e. men aged between 18 and 34 years), because of their consciousness to fashion.…
The Demographic for our product is targeted towards parents and youth in New Zealand ranging from middle to upper class that spend a lot of time in the harsh New Zealand sun. This demographic is primarily concerned about protecting themselves and their families from developing skin cancer. Parents are concerned about the overall health and wellbeing of their children, which is why they are our target market. For children of young age, their parents are responsible to ensure that their children have sufficient sunscreen on so that they don’t get burnt. Whether our customers are working, playing, reading or dozing off in the sun they can feel confident in knowing that they are taking good care of themselves and family. This market will remain constant as parents will always have concern for their children’s health; this product allows them to look after them with ease. Each year there is around 61,000 births in New Zealand, from this it is estimated that about 11,000 will be interested in our product. We also believe that our product will appeal to fair skin people; this is because they are more prone to getting burnt. People don’t realize how often you need to reapply sunscreen; the bracelet will help educate children early on about how important sunscreen is. Therefore when they grow up they will continue to purchase our product for themselves, and later on for their children. These wrist bands will not only save you from the harmful rays, but will also look trendy whilst doing it. We offer a range of designs which will appeal to all age groups. Kids have the most fairest skin and so should be protected at all times, with a range of colors and pictures they will beg to have them on, the ladies love style and beautiful accessories so with our variety of colors and designs, it will not only become a life saver but a potential fashion trend, for the gents we have a more masculine approach with styles to raise the eyebrows of truck drivers and even trout fisherman. To…