“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime.” (Babe Ruth) There is a reason why football, basketball and baseball have more than one player on the team. To be successful in any of these sports you need a group of men that are talented, but more than that a group of men that can work together to achieve there ultimate goals, championships. You can use a lot of the same lessons that apply to sports and apply them to the business world. The most successful companies in the world are those that utilize the unique qualities and strengths of each of their employees. They are the companies that work together as one team to achieve their ultimate goals. Throughout this semester Lesley, Nick, Lauren, Rachel, Morrice and myself have worked together on a team. We have worked together on a group project and have been through a team building ropes course exercise. Through these two different tasks we have a learned a number of important lessons when it comes to working with and through a team.
Through the ropes course and working on the final project as a team we have learned four key lessons that can be applied to our future teamwork experiences. We will discuss these four lessons briefly in the following paragraphs.
There are some things that can only be accomplished by working with a team and through your team. This is the first lesson we learned from participating in the ropes course. Just like any team sport where you have to realize that no matter how talented you are you need the other members on your team to win the game or championship. There are many things in the business world that are the same way, we learned this through one of the team building exercises that we did. We were given five bricks to cross an imaginary lake of lava and to get to safety on the other side. This could only by accomplished by working perfectly