explained “Some chemicals that are harmful to animals prove valuable when used by humans. Aspirin, for example, is dangerous for some animal species. What i'm trying to say is that if you're to busy trying to find treatments based on tests, you may not find one because they maybe too focused on it that it may make them ignore potential treatments. They explain that a commonly used medicine name Aspirin may help humans with certain conditions but when it comes to animals that have the same conditions, doctors may think it's the same even though animal and human bodies are so much more different. This may cause doctors to be so focused about one thing when the potential cure is probably already explained “Some chemicals that are harmful to animals prove valuable when used by humans. Aspirin, for example, is dangerous for some animal species. What i'm trying to say is that if you're to busy trying to find treatments based on tests, you may not find one because they maybe too focused on it that it may make them ignore potential treatments. They explain that a commonly used medicine name Aspirin may help humans with certain conditions but when it comes to animals that have the same conditions, doctors may think it's the same even though animal and human bodies are so much more different. This may cause doctors to be so focused about one thing when the potential cure is probably already