Pony is a good guy. He is a hero. Pony doesn’t like to be harassed, but he doesn’t like seeing anyone else being harassed either. “Leave her alone, Dally(page 24). He didn’t want the girls to be harassed and also didn’t want Dally messing with them. Ponyboy helps those who need help. Ponyboy would help others, even if it cost him his life. “We dropped the last of the kids out as the front of the church started to crumble.”(page 93). He …show more content…
Johnny wants to prove himself and wants to help others Johnny followed Ponyboy into the burning church to go save those children and it cost him his life.Johnny gave his life to save those children, even though he didn’t know any of them..Johnny gets help from his friends, but he just wants to help them back Johnny thinks about his friends and tries to help them, because he knows they would do the same for him.Johnny would risk going to jail so that Ponyboy’s brothers wouldn’t worry about him, and so Ponyboy wouldn’t have to go to jail.Johnny would help his friends at any cost.
Dally is not a hero Dally likes to hurt people.Dally hurts people for fun and gets in trouble a lot with the police. “ Me and Shepard had a run in and I cracked some ribs” (page 60) Dally wanted to fight Tim Shepard and was proud of hurting him.Dally rarely cares for anyone except himself. Dally looks out for himself and rarely anyone else.“ For Pete’s sake, get outa there! That roof’s gonna cave any minute. Forget those blasted kids”(page 93)Dally just wanted to leave the kids there to die, although he just wanted to protect his