We will know what we can expect, what we can do and what we cannot. It is important to be humble and show respect to other work members and colleagues so they can feel that although we are the project managers and have some degree of authority we are not different from them. Machiavelli comments about ways of how to be loved and follow by loyal subordinates and how conspiracies are not successful if we win …show more content…
Another thing we can apply from Machiavelli is that we have to be valiant as lions and cunning as foxes. We have to defend our decisions when they are substantiated and be able to see problems that can arise and not make commitments that can put in risk our work or our team members’ work. For example, if we are dealing with such difficult task and the some of the top managers what to cut some costs with the argument that everything is possible, or by some other way to pinch the ego. We managers have to be always conscious of what it is possible to be done and what is not. It is very important to take some time to analyze the circumstance since by trying to solve problems and be cooperative can lead us to a more chaotic situation. Thus, this is one of the risks together with the fact that saying no to a hypothetical situation as this, will make some people to be angry at us.
Nevertheless, we need to defend our positions and be take actions once we have analyzed further events or scenarios of our decisions. Similarly, in case we are facing a change in scope or facing an unexpected situation we need to speak up, for our sake and for the one of our team members. And in some extreme case, to even …show more content…
Motivation is a valuable tool that can be used when team members need a push to continue working or overcome a problematic situation. The risks of this approach are basically three: not being able to identify the correct time to grant the recognition, not able to identify the adequate award the persons need, and setting very ambitious goals to achieve the awards, so people can be demotivated since they perceive them as unreachable.
Conversely to the recognition of employees we have the punishment. Project managers need also to identify the people that are not performing accordingly and causing the other team members to be demotivated. It is crucial that we can play as fair as possible, so people having bad performance should be warned about what has to be corrected and ultimately removed from the group if the problem persists. This is a very sensitive aspect of management that exists and that has to be done depending on the seriousness of the problem.
Regarding change management we can say that project managers need to be ready to face the difficulties of such changing process. In every organizational changes some people gain power while others loss it. We have to