
The Entirely Between Romeo And Juliet

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The Entirely Between Romeo And Juliet
In Act 2, Scene 1, the balcony scene occurred in which Romeo and Juliet profess their love to one another. After Romeo left the feast, he came to the realization that he cannot go home and that he needed to find Juliet. He climbed a wall surrounding the property of the Capulet and jumped down into the Capulet orchard. Benvolio and Mercutio called out for Romeo, since they knew he was nearby, while Romeo did not respond. Mercutio indulged in a speech in which he mocked the feelings Romeo had for Rosaline. Eventually, Mercutio and Benvolio left because they knew he did not want to be disturbed. In the orchard, Romeo was aware of Mercutio’s comments and said to himself, “He jests at scars that never felt a wound” (2.1.43).
Suddenly, Juliet stood above the place in which Romeo was standing. Romeo compared her to a variety
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He debated to himself on whether or not he should speak to her, but decided against it. On the balcony, Juliet confessed her love for Romeo unwittingly because she didn’t know that Romeo was in her garden. She questioned why Romeo must be Romeo and through his name a Montague. She questioned why he has to be an enemy of her family. In addition, through her speech, she said more things that show how smitten she is over him. She said that she was willing to give herself to him if he was willing to deny his Montague name; or that she was willing to refuse her Capulet name as long as he was willing to swear that he loved her. Eventually, Romeo interrupted, which caught Juliet off guard since she believed that she was alone. She asked him how he found her and he replied by saying that love led him to her. Juliet was worried that Romeo would be murdered if he was discovered. However, Romeo was not afraid and claimed that her love would make him immune to his enemies. Juliet said that she felt strongly about him when he confessed his love to her.

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