According to Jremache (2010) the “marketing is a social and managerial process by which different individuals and groups obtain what they need and want, creating, offering and exchanging products of value to others” (Jremache, 2010). In our life we find this description on almost everything that we do. Consumers and businesses will exchange any merchandise that they want or need for money. We also found the example of this description when a person is looking for a job, this person needs to cover his/her needs with money, but to get the money they will need to work first. This person changed his/her services for money they will be payed at the end of the journey.
Money is an asset that we need to cover all the material needs in life, but not all is needed to live. There are many groups who exchange their knowledge; on this situations money is not involved. This people exchange anecdotes and stories of their life with which help others.
We also found the marketing in simple things in life, as in giving orders to someone. To persuade someone to do