Ms. Vandehei
Senior Composition
7 September 2010
The Journey is the Reward
Hanging above my bed in my bedroom is a framed poster that says a quote that I live by: “The Journey is the Reward”. Living by that quote, though difficult, is not impossible. To me, it means that whatever an individual goes through in life, both ups and downs, the experience is what that reward is. To me, setting goals is overrated. If I set a goal, I’m giving that experience an end date. For example, if I wanted to set a goal of wanting to bench press 225 Ibs, and I can only bench press 175 as of now, it seems to me that I am only limiting myself to 225pounds of bench press. Because 9 times out of 10, when a person hits the goal they were striving for, they give up. And more times than none, they become worse off and resort back to the old weight or old habits to which they wanted to improve upon or get rid of. If you say “I’m going to improve my weight for bench press”, and not set a limit for how much you can do, the final amount could be 400 Ibs as far as anybody knows. The more somebody works out, the stronger they get and the more they improve and the limits reach to the sky. I want to live by never giving up. Pursuing your dreams and how far an individual should go shouldn’t be limited and as long as a person feels they can go farther, there is no reason that they couldn’t. Life is a journey and the way I want to enrich the community of UW-Oshkosh is to be the shining example to go farther. To dig deeper and not only dip, but plunge into the studies, into the life dreams of becoming what you want. Living you dream shouldn’t be the end to that dream, but making a difference and becoming that shining light is what I want students to strive for. It’s not how many times you get hit, it’s how many times you can get hit, and keep getting up. Life isn’t going to let up on you one bit and becoming a standing stone in the wind and the storm is the key to making