Sometimes we do not realize how much we miss something until it is gone, or realize how much someone has helped us until later in life. I have finally realized how wonderful my tenth grade English teacher is, and if I could write a book about anything, I would write it about her.
When tenth grade started, I was unaware of what to expect. My first period class was English. I had heard many stories about Mrs. Trahan, the dreadful English teacher. I was a little nervous about going to her class. I remember trying to find out if anyone had that class with me, so I did not have to go in alone. Thank God I had Desiree! When the bell rang and I went to Mrs. Trahan’s class, all was well. Then I saw Mrs. Trahan. Could this be the teacher everyone hates? She seemed incredibly nice. It seemed like people had exaggerated a little when describing her, because as I found throughout the year, she was the best thing academically to happen to me.
Mrs. Trahan was an absolute gem, and I am glad I had her as a teacher. She was very fast paced, which made things difficult for everyone. Students always complained about her teaching styles, but I really loved her. I learned so much in her class, even though I did not have long to learn the material. Teachers always defended her when students were complaining, but that is because most students do not understand that through the trouble of her class, they were actually learning.
Mrs. Trahan truly cared for her students. She never gave us slack, but taught us material, and drilled it into our brains until it was second nature to us. Although at the time I was annoyed at all the things we were learning, I am glad she taught us everything she possibly could teach us throughout the year. If she were not so persistent through her teaching, I probably would not be taking an AP English class this year.
People always have something to say about people, but I think we should keep our opinions to ourselves, so others can make an unbiased opinion for their selves. I believed everyone’s opinion about Mrs. Trahan, which caused me to be fearful towards her, when in fact, she was the sweetest and kindest person I have ever met.
Mrs. Trahan was the best thing to happen to me last year, and it is a shame it took me this long to discover it. She is a great teacher, who is sometimes underappreciated by her students. Even though most students strongly dislike her, in the future, I think they will realize how important she was to their education. I am really glad to have already discovered how important she was toward my academic career.