MGT 521
September 22, 2013
The Need for Managers in an Organizations Success
Although managers are not required in today 's workforce, they are necessary for an organization’s success. An organization 's success is produced through the attainment of its set goals, which are driven by the management team. This management team is comprised of departmental managers who are the driving forces, behind the functional areas of the business. Although managers play a critical role in identifying problems in their functional areas and providing the resources to address them, they also provide coordination to carry out the tasks. Throughout the functional areas of a business, managers must stay abreast of the ongoing departmental progress. This monitoring will assist the manager in recognizing potential problems, so that they may triage the issue and address it accordingly. This role of monitoring is also used to address concerns of the staff as well as giving guidance to them. Some situations that a manager is met with during these times, require much more than insight or guidance. A main point of management is providing and rationing of resources. For instance in an organization 's administration department, a staff member may be tasked with making travel arrangements for the HR director. However, she is juggling interviews, e-mail and phone messages, organizing meetings, etc. The manager 's role at this point is to step in and provide the resources for the staff member, to get the tasks completed. Although this may seem minute, it can play into a larger scheme of occurrences that facilitate the completion of a goal. In situations such as this, bonds and trust are built between the staff members and management.
"The single most important variable in employee productivity and loyalty isn 't pay or benefits or workplace environment, it is the quality of the relationship between employees and
References: Anonomous, “Do You Need a Manager.” Veterinary Economics August 2007 ProQuest Central. K. A. Tucker and V. Allman, “Don’t Be a Cat-and-Mouse Manager,” The Gallup Organization September 9, 2004. National Council on Veterinary Economic Issues, “What’s the Most Efficient Way for Veterinarians to Manage Their Practice?”