To study and produce human medicine, we must use animal testing to test the safety of drugs and vaccines before they are used in humans. Therefore, animal testing is essential to us. Animal testing has given us vaccines against polio, malaria vaccines, and most especially HIV vaccines, and so on. According to a recent report published in the journal Nature on Research, paralysis patients can control their hands only by thinking. In the study, implanted electrodes recorded signals in the brain, analyzed, and then transmitted to the biceps muscles to stimulate movement. Such a system is extremely useful in the rehabilitation of patients. However, it is worth mentioning that the report only shows the mechanism of action as well as the successful test results in humans, which omitted a series of tests that had to be conducted previously on monkeys. This deliberate ignoring is not uncommon. This has led to little publicity about the real work of researchers, and it is easy to believe in the claims of some animal protection groups that animal testing is inhuman or degrading behavior. According to statistics from, each year alone in the United States, Europe, and Australia have used up
To study and produce human medicine, we must use animal testing to test the safety of drugs and vaccines before they are used in humans. Therefore, animal testing is essential to us. Animal testing has given us vaccines against polio, malaria vaccines, and most especially HIV vaccines, and so on. According to a recent report published in the journal Nature on Research, paralysis patients can control their hands only by thinking. In the study, implanted electrodes recorded signals in the brain, analyzed, and then transmitted to the biceps muscles to stimulate movement. Such a system is extremely useful in the rehabilitation of patients. However, it is worth mentioning that the report only shows the mechanism of action as well as the successful test results in humans, which omitted a series of tests that had to be conducted previously on monkeys. This deliberate ignoring is not uncommon. This has led to little publicity about the real work of researchers, and it is easy to believe in the claims of some animal protection groups that animal testing is inhuman or degrading behavior. According to statistics from, each year alone in the United States, Europe, and Australia have used up