Innovative Breast Implant Devices Available Near Brickell
The options that women have to choose from in relation to implant devices continue to advance. The most recent generation (fifth generation) of devices is the form-stable cohesive gel breast implant, which is frequently referred to as the ‘gummy bear’ breast implant. Dr. Sam Gershenbaum is …show more content…
Fourth Generation Silicone Gel Breast Implants(Typical Silicone Gel) The typical silicone gel breast implant is made of a silicone shell that is filled with a silicone gel that has a consistency similar to gelatin. These devices rarely leak, but in the event that a leak does occur, the gel itself is harmless. However, the implant will need to be replaced in a timely manner. Saline Breast Implants A saline breast implant has a silicone shell that is filled with salt water. During surgery, this type of breast implant is filled after Dr. Gershenbaum places it within its previously created pocket; therefore, the incision used for a saline implant can be relatively short. The downside is that these implants tend to leak more often than their silicone counterparts do. If a saline breast implant begins to leak, the breast will begin to shrink. Therefore, although the salt water is harmless and will be absorbed by the body, another procedure must be performed rather quickly to replace the damaged …show more content…
This ability is what led to the implant device’s nickname – ‘gummy bear’ breast implants. The textured shell of the gummy bear breast implant reduces the incidence of scarring: Thus, decreasing the likelihood of the capsular contracture. Gummy bear breast implants have the most durable shell, which may be why studies show that gummy bear breast implants are less likely to rupture. Although gummy bear breast implants are slightly more expensive than their counterparts, many women choose these devices because of the many benefits they offer. Dr. Sam Gershenbaum frequently performs breast augmentation procedures using these revolutionary breast implants at his surgery center in Miami, near the Brickell