The Problem and Its Background
Word games give strange happiness for the players not been included the educational aspects. How much if we play using our own language. That gives us idea to make not a new game but a new variation of boggle or word factory’s game exclusively for Filipinos.
You may have played word factory android games before but in this variation, each player searches for Filipino or Tagalog words that can be constructed from the letters of sequentially adjacent cubes, where "adjacent" cubes are those horizontally, vertically, and diagonally neighboring. Words must be at least three letters long, may include singular and plural (or other derived forms) separately, but may not use the same letter cube more than once per word.
This game is entitled as PH Word Factory is brought to android mobile phones for entertainment. Since Filipinos are hooked in playing word games, the team decided to integrate an application that will be synthesizing both the traditional and modern technology for the players.
We will publish an Official Tagalog Dictionary for PH Word Factory for good evaluation on the result of the players constructed words.
Background of the Study
Boggle is a word game designed by Alan Turoff and originally distributed by Parker Brothers. The game is played using a plastic grid of lettered dice, in which players attempt to find words in sequences of adjacent letters. The game begins by shaking a covered tray of sixteen cubic dice, each with a different letter printed on each of its sides. The dice settle into a 4x4 tray so that only the top letter of each cube is visible. After they have settled into the grid, a three-minute sand timer is started and all players simultaneously begin the main phase of play.
Each player records all the words he or she finds by writing on a private sheet of paper. After three minutes have