
Three Synoptic Gospels

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Three Synoptic Gospels
Throughout the the three synoptic Gospels Jesus is introduced and described in many various ways, and lot can be learned from each synoptic gospels, but as a whole they tell us who Jesus really is. In the Synoptic Gospels Jesus is a friend. These can be seen differently in each gospel. In Matthew Jesus is a teacher, in Mark Jesus is a servant, and in Luke Jesus is a Universal savior. Those three traits that the Synoptic Gospels portray Jesus as shows us that he is our friend. In Matthew Jesus is a teacher. Being the first Gospel in the Bible, Matthew writes the Gospel to the Jewish Christians. Throughout the Gospel, Matthew speaks of many of Jesus's parables. By writing about all of the parables Jesus tells us, Matthew reveals to us that …show more content…
he is a servant to us, this gospel heavily focuses on Jesus and his public ministry and expanding it. He wants to spread Christianity and he also spreads his compassion throughout this gospel service, deeds, and miracles. In Mark 9;35 Jesus tells the apostles that "if anyone wants to be the first. He must be the very last and the very first and the servant of all". This quote tells us that to do anything to benefit others, you must give your all to them, essentially be a servant. Jesus was our servant because he was our sacrificial lamb and he saved us all by giving is himself, as a servant would do. Another time Jesus proved to be a servant to us all was in Mark 10:44-45. When he was talking to his disciples saying "whoever wishes to be first among you must be a slave of all. For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many". This quote not only applies to the disciples but to Jesus, especially. He sacrificed himself to save all of humanity just as a servant would do. Jesus in Mark 2:13 at Capernaum, "Jesus went out again by the lakeside and the whole crowd came to him and he continued to teach them". These verses demonstrate Jesus's unconditional loyalty towards us. He continues to teach us, similar to a servant, who serves us loyally. Being a servant means you are loyal and want to help, similar to a …show more content…
An universal savior is a savior who saves all; men, women, slaves, everyone despite their social standings. In Luke especially, we see Jesus's immense compassion towards all. It is demonstrated in Luke that Jesus is a savior to people cast out of society in Luke 5:13, a keeper came up to Jesus "and he stretched out his hand and touched him, saying ' I will be clean and immediately the leprocy left him'". Although this man had leprocy and was abandoned by society, Jesus still saved him despite of this. He is seen as universal savior in Luke 5:32 when he is having dinner with tax-collecters and the Pharisees criticize him, Jesus replies "I have come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance". In this verse we learn that Jesus has come to help all of us who need saving. Verses that demonstrate that Jesus is a savior to everyone is Luke 7:36-50. When he forgives the sinful woman despite all of her mistakes. She shows great love and although she is mocked by the Pharisee he exemplifies his position as the universal

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