Tardiness means to be late, slow or sluggish and is a form of misconduct. Have you ever experienced being tardy to class? Does tardiness do any advantage to you? What do you get for being tardy? Does tardiness means that you are not smart? Why are there a lot of students who like being tardy? Some students suddenly decide to be tardy, is being tardy already their habit? What will be the consequence of that? What will be the effect of being tardy to the student’s future? A tardy students presents lack of responsibility. Being tardy all the time to class shows carelessness and a waste of time, being on time is not only a duty for students, but also a part of good manners, respect and reputation. Hence, students should know how to value their time and do their best not to be tardy at all times. Tardiness is not much of an issue for students nowadays; to them it seems to be a normal thing. Nonetheless, some reasons that cause the tardiness among students can tell whether is being committed or not or being peer pressured.
Human Beings have different kinds of problems. These problems include: sleeping on duty, negative attitude to tasks, lack of initiative, sexual harassment, theft, quarrelling, absenteeism, lateness, etc. But Lauby as cited by Dafiaghor (2011) stated clearly that:
As a Human Resource professional, I have dealt with plethora of employee issues: sleeping on the job, theft, sexual harassment… but I’ve found over the years, there’s one issue that plagues managers more than all these other issues combined… attendance and punctuality. That is, people not showing up at all… people not showing up on time.
It turns out that many school problems are caused by tardiness. What then is Tardiness?
One of the most frustrating problems in classroom nowadays is tardiness, but what is tardiness? Tardiness, as defined by Webster’s dictionary, is “to delay beyond the expected or proper time. It originated in the 15th century from
References: 46 tips for managing absence. Retrieved February 19, 2012, from Andrews, T. (n.d.). Reasons why students ' academic performance may be impacted. Retrieved March 2, 2012, from Class tardiness Colion (2009, June 8). Tardiness. Retrieved February 19, 2012, from Dafiaghor, F How to deal with chronic tardiness. Retrieved February 19, 2012, from Importance of tardiness Korkki, P. (2007, June 3). For the chronically late, it’s not a power trip. Retrieved February 25, 2012, from Murphy, D Tardiness hinders student and school success. Cowan Crier, p.1. Retrieved February 12, 2012 from Weade, B Young, S. (n.d.). Tips for breaking bad habits and developing good habits. Retrieved from March 4, 2012, Zieger, S