Currently, Trader Joe is not on any social media platforms. They use traditional avenues of marketing such as direct mail, website, radio, and newsletter. By only using these media channels they are missing opportunities such as two-way communication with their current and potential customers. The longer the company holds off on joining social media channels, the more customers they will miss out on attracting and potentially losing to grocery stores that are on social media.
If one searches for Trader Joe’s on Facebook there are a variety of fan pages, and just one of these fan pages has almost 600,000 “likes.” There are other individual fan pages with very little to no activity. While these stores had a good idea, it’s not feasible for store employees to have the time to keep up with everything. This shows us that people would be interested in connecting with a Trader Joe’s corporate page, and if they had a company ran page there could be thousands of more “likes”. Social media could reinforce and extend their sense of community. There are thousands of customer-generated recipes on fan sites and blogs; with a little active curation, Trader Joe’s could aggregate recipes, encouraging shoppers to make purchases that, otherwise, would never occur to