Jade is a hard worker. Jade displays some anxiety during Language Arts but have abilities beyond her understanding. We are working with her on looking back in the text for answers to reading comprehension questions. Jade is reading slightly below grade level as evidences on her TRC reading assessment. Jade shows a stronger grasp on math concepts. She is engaged during math class and eagerly works to excel. Jade …show more content…
She works hard during the school day and gets along well with her peers. Atziry shows difficulties focusing during instruction and this inhibits her ability to perform in reading and math. She is reading below grade level as evidences on her TRC assessment. She shows strengths in math computation but shows difficulties with math reasoning skills. I am thrilled to have Atziry in my classroom.
Jeremy is a joy to teach. Jeremy shows strength with math reasoning and problem solving. He is reading on grade level however, he avoids task that require written responses to comprehension questions. He is showing improvement in this area. I am thrilled with Jeremy’s new level of independence. He is showing more resilience when his experiences difficulties. We encourage him to ask questions when the need arises. I am thrilled to have Jeremy in my class this school year.
Ella Rose is a hard worker. She is reading on grade level as evidences on her TRC reading assessment. She shows strengths in reading and language arts. Ella Rose shows some difficulties understanding math concepts introduced. She is engaged during math class and eagerly works to excel. With hard work she is able to acquire new math skills and work toward meeting grade level standards. I am thrilled to have Ella Rose in my classroom this school