Introduction to Personal Development in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young Peoples Settings
My role as a care assistant, the responsibilities and expectations of such are made clear to me within the job description, employee handbook, contract and via managerial/senior or experience staff guidance. My responsibilities as a care assistant include, providing emotional and practical support, assisting with personal care, such as dressing, bathing, washing, eating, toileting, accompanying to appointments/hospital admission, keeping documentation up to date and confidential, such as care plan's and application of topical medicine. I provide a duty of care which complies with both company and statutory requirements/policy, such as treating service users with respect and dignity encouraging equality and equal opportunity.
Standards with which the role is influenced include internal codes of practise policies and procedures, statutory legislation, such as the health and safety at work act 1974, national minimum standards, national occupation standards. Research and knowledge of these policies ensures that I work to required legal expectations for the benefit of myself, colleagues, employers and the service user.
Open mindedness and a commitment to the job role should void any prejudices or ignorance that could potentially affect the quality of service to the service user. Be professional and concentrate solely on the job with which one is employed to do, leaving personal beliefs and opinions that may differ from service user at home.
Reflection on ones own practise is beneficial in that it enables you to assess what is done to a satisfactory standard and what areas need improvement. Reflection on own standards can enhance quality of service provided, becoming more aware, increase job satisfaction and work efficiency.
A lot relies on the quality and conduct of character, an individuals personal qualities will