Engage In Personal Development In Health And Social Care
Since i started working for this company, I have gone through various trainings and personal developments. When I started here, I had a period of induction where I learnt about the policies and procedures of the company, my contractual responsibilities like my working hours, my line of reporting i.e people who are my managers and supervisors, my specific duties and responsibilities and what they expect of me as well as what I can expect in return.
Also apart from the duties and responsibilities required by my employer, I am also bound to follow the Code of Practice which lays out the duties and expectations for every one who works in this sector. I also have a duty of care, maintaining Health and Safety at all times, keeping up to date with changes to procedures and keeping up to date with changes to practice.
There are some relevant standards I am expected to meet when performing my work role. As in the Code of Practice, there are regulations such as Health and Social Care Act 2008 and Care Quality Commission Regulation 2009. Also the National Minimum Standards across England and Wales includes the Care Standard Act 2000, and finally there are the National Occupational Standards (NOS), this standard form the basis for all the qualifications in the social care sector and are divided into units of Competence.
The health and social care sector is one which constantly changes and moves on. New standards reflect the changes in the profession such as the emphasis on personalized quality services, the focus on takling exclusion, and the influence of the culture of rights and responsibilities.
Developments in technology have made huge strides towards independence for many residents, thus promoting a changing relationship with care workers. At the same time, these developments have brought different approaches to the way in which social care work and the administration and recording of