This case involves an unknown suspect(s) smashing open the victim’s rear vehicle passenger window with an unknown object, and stealing items from inside, in violation of PC 459(a)-Vehicle Burglary.
This incident occurred on level 3C of the parking garage in the southwest portion of the Courtyard Marriott located at 180 N. Fair Oaks Avenue.
I took photos of the victim’s vehicle, which were later uploaded into VeriPic (see attached photos).
• A pink Guess wallet, worth $45.00, which contained miscellaneous credit cards (Wells Fargo Debit Card #4342 5622 4739 7506, Banana Republic, Nordstrom Clothing, Premier Bank, Credit Bank and a Target Master Card) and her California driver’s license (#D6050014).
• A black makeup bag, worth $20.00.
• $300.00 in US Currency.
Total Loss: $365.00 …show more content…
Fair Oaks Avenue regarding a vehicle burglary investigation. Upon my arrival, I met with Victim Elsa Banuelos, who told me the following information in summary:
On 04-17-17 at approximately 0800 hours, Banuelos parked her vehicle in spot #63 at the above location. Banuelos locked her vehicle before walking into work.
On 04-17-17 at approximately 1630 hours, Banuelos returned to her vehicle and saw the passenger rear window was smashed open. Banuelos looked inside of the vehicle and saw that the suspect(s) had taken the above property. Banuelos telephoned the police department to report the incident.
Banuelos did not give anyone permission to take her property and is desirous of prosecution. Banuelos only had the Wells Fargo credit card number available at the scene. Banuelos told me she telephoned and spoke with a Wells Fargo representative in order to cancel her debit card. The Wells Fargo representative advised Banuelos that her debit card was used at a Mobil Gas Station in the amount of $44.67 (15 W. Woodbury Road, Altadena,