English 101
Rated M: for Misunderstanding
Do video games really need to be censored by the United States’ Government? Over the past several years there has been a controversial court case under discussion to censor video games. This case is trying to get the United States’ Government to prohibit the selling of all video games that may include graphic violence, virtual sex, violent and gory scenes, partial or full nudity, and portrayal of criminal behavior or other provocative and objectionable material. There are numerous arguments why video games should or should not be censored. Video games should not be censored because parents should show responsibility in raising their children, it is unconstitutional, video game companies take enough steps to already censor their products already, and censorship would impact the video game industry tremendously. During the past years there has been the first ever video game court case called Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Merchants Association, trying to pass a law against selling or renting violent games to minors . This case has been going on for several years and has recently escalated all the way to the Supreme Court. The morning of November 2, 2010, the United States Supreme Court began hearing arguments for this case. During the arguments, both sides gave their reasons of why they thought the bill should be approved or thrown out. This brought up instant argument weather or not could this be broadened to just video games or all sources of entertainment that could be considered violent that minors have access to. This case goes all the way back six years to 2004, with the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas scandal where players could download a mod that allowed characters to have sex with each other. This case could result in video games being classified in the same way as extreme pornographic material. Another game that is used to support the court case