Subject: Social Studies Duration: 40mins
Topic: Weather – Relationship between weather and dress
Generalisation: The type of weather determines how we should dress
Concepts: Types of weather, dress
Distinguish that different types of clothing is appropriate for different types of weather.
Exhibit an awareness of the effects weather can have on people and the environment.
Manipulate picture cut outs, dressing persons in clothing appropriate for the types of weather depicted.
Teaching Strategies:
Socratic Method
Co-operative Grouping – jig saw, think-pair-share
Role on the wall
Hot Seating
Technology/ Materials:
Audio Recording of weather sounds
Youtube Video of Super Grover -Weatherman
Pictures of different types of weather
Picture cut outs of people and clothing for different types of weather
Set Induction:
Students will view a teacher demonstrated dramatization, showing the relationship between weather and dress to elicit the topic of the day’s lesson.
Learning Experiences:
Using Socratic Method, students will share what they observed from the dramatisation.
Using Co-operative Grouping students will form groups based on the images they have randomly selected.
Using Role on the Wall technique, students will attach cut out images of persons and their appropriate clothing to the different types of weather illustrated.
Using Hot Seating, a student from each group will share information on the weather image their group received and what they dressed their cut out image in to compliment the weather conditions.
Using Personification, students will take turns to bring the images they created in their groups to life.
Assessment Procedures:
Students’ presentation will be observed for relevance to the lesson.