Fort Sumter was a Union base in South Carolina. With low on resources and Confederates telling the Union men to surrender, one of the commanders lettered to Lincoln that they need supplies. Lincoln hearing this sent supplies but not guns and ammunition. There the confederates took over Fort Sumter. With doing so this angered the North causing one reason for a civil war.
John Brown's attack on Harper's Ferry also was a cause to the civil war. John Brown was a Northern Abolitionist who wanted to abolish slavery. Brown led an attack to Harper's Ferry so that he can take down a federal arsenal and are enslaved African Americans to start a revolt against slaveholders across the U.S. With Brown's army trying to hold off Robert E Lee's men that came swarming him, Brown's men gave in. Brown was charged and put in jail. He had a death sentence on him too. Even though John Brown died, he had a cause to start a civil war. …show more content…
That is why there was a Union and a Confederacy. One side wanted free states and the other wanted slave states. Slaves also caused secession. These are just some reasons that caused the Civil