The church was in flames and Dally told them to stay in the car but Ponyboy and Johnny both got out because they thought it was their faults.They got all the children out of the church and Dally pulled Ponyboy out of the window and leaped in and grabbed Johnny but everyone was severely hurt. The movie or book didn’t show what happened when Ponyboy got knocked out and then when the ambulance showed up to the scene. The church was probably one of the most important places of the book. After the church incident everyone one was in the hospital but Ponyboy and Dally weren’t hurt badly but Johnny was still unconscious. This part had a few differences like in the book it said his mom showed up to visit him but in the movie I never saw his mom visit him. And in the book it said that Johnny was laying flat on his stomach but in the movie he was propped up on his back. Throughout the book there were a lot of different symbols. I think the one that stood out the most to me was how they all ate chocolate cake. tHis stood out to me because there parents never let them eat it but dally let them. I think the symbol was described the best in the book and not the movie. The movie talked nothing about it and the book described it really well and that’s why I chose this
The church was in flames and Dally told them to stay in the car but Ponyboy and Johnny both got out because they thought it was their faults.They got all the children out of the church and Dally pulled Ponyboy out of the window and leaped in and grabbed Johnny but everyone was severely hurt. The movie or book didn’t show what happened when Ponyboy got knocked out and then when the ambulance showed up to the scene. The church was probably one of the most important places of the book. After the church incident everyone one was in the hospital but Ponyboy and Dally weren’t hurt badly but Johnny was still unconscious. This part had a few differences like in the book it said his mom showed up to visit him but in the movie I never saw his mom visit him. And in the book it said that Johnny was laying flat on his stomach but in the movie he was propped up on his back. Throughout the book there were a lot of different symbols. I think the one that stood out the most to me was how they all ate chocolate cake. tHis stood out to me because there parents never let them eat it but dally let them. I think the symbol was described the best in the book and not the movie. The movie talked nothing about it and the book described it really well and that’s why I chose this