But, to be honest, being a band geek has nothing to do with marching band. Being a band geek means that they go overboard with being in band, not that they are in band. This stereotype is the main reason why people don’t appreciate marching band and the work that they put into a performance. Everyone notices the work and performance of the football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, softball, track, cross-country, golf, and soccer players, but not the marchers. This is because society has told the general population that being in a sport automatically makes them “cool” and that everyone needs to pay attention to everyone that plays a sport. So, based on this logic, if marching band is found and counted as a sport, then every marcher would be considered “cool” and would probably be invited into the “popular” crowd, instead of being stuck as their own group that hangs out only in the band room. This is why so many people have been debating over the topic of marching band becoming a sport. They don’t want the “band geeks” at the same level of popularity as they are. Aside from all of the fears of marching band becoming a sport, here are some reasons why marching band should be considered a sport. Marchers work just as hard as football players. Marchers and football players both practice for crazy amounts of time and prepare for one event. Sports teams and marching bands all work towards one…