I base my Leadership Philosophy on the principals that I have learned over the past 28 years of service through the study of both strong and weak leaders. It is my belief that following these principals is the most profitable and rewarding way to lead my life and to positively impact the lives of those around me. I have been fortunate in my career to have good leaders around me to help with my leadership skills. Their guidance and knowledge has built me into the leader I am today.
I lead through earning credibility and the achievement of results that exceed established guidelines. I set goals which are measurable and achievable. I measure progress and take corrective action, which insures success. I believe that integrity and character are traits critical to success. I recognize that the success of others is as important as their leader’s. I set the right example by aligning actions and words with values. I place great value in honesty; it’s not a judgment call or a policy it’s a way of life. It’s always being honest and true to yourself. I earn trust through delivering on goals and objectives …show more content…
My clear concise, verbal communication avoids error, mistakes, and misunderstanding.
I take time to think, write, and communicate in a manner that I would like to be treated.
I eliminate errors and inaccuracy to gain confidence from my fellow peers.
I learn from my mistakes, accept responsibility, and correct mistakes to prevent them from reoccurring. I share knowledge that builds trust, gains credibility and increases productivity with my fellow peers. I actively listen and focus on the subject so that I can react accordingly. I expect others to tell me the truth in a timely and accurate manner; don’t delay bad news. I focus actively on getting results, meeting goals, and help others do the same. I like to show respect to individuals in my words and