. There were several themes portrayed in this novel. Throughout his journey, we learned the many ways of how Chris McCandless worked. In Chapter Twelve, Krakauer explained a past discovery Chris made that caused him to view his father differently. “…Chris pieced together the fact of his father’s previous marriage and subsequent divorce…Walt continued his relationship in secret…”(121 Krauker). This revelation seems to inspire him to dismiss his parents completely; especially his father and commence a trek into wild America. Along the way, McCandless had some types of father figures, including Wayne Westerberg and Ronald Franz , and even a mother figure, Jan Burres. Christopher McCandless rejected what he saw as American materialism, in…
Christopher McCandless or Alexander Supertramp should be admired for his courage and noble idea to drop everything and go into the wild, with nothing but a backpack and in it was a book of Tolstoy, a book about native plants and berries, a .22 rifle with 400 rounds of ammunition, a writing implement, a journal, a camera, a 10 pound bag of rice, a small cooking utensil, matches, a knife, and some fishing twine and a hook, and the few clothes he had on his back. Chris was trying to find himself by leaving everything behind, yes Chris might have been a little reckless but you have to be a little reckless to go into the wild and hitchhike around the world. This quote support that's chris was just living and trying to find himself was, “...McCandless pitched his tent in the puny shade of a tamarick and basked in his newfound freedom. (Krakauer 27)” this is saying that McCandless was happy to finally be by himself and start life in the wild,…
I agree with the author that Chris McCandless wasn’t a crazy person and he was seeking happiness for himself in the wild. There are many things that show that he wasn’t crazy, like getting along with people, having some knowledge of living in the wild, and he was very bright and made some good decisions. However, he did seem somewhat incompetent.…
Chris McCandless home life didn’t seem bad at first, but you have to dig deeper than the surface to see what the problem was. McCandless family was a wealthy family, he also had both his parents and his sister that he loved, that was the surface the problem was that McCandless father had another family. In McCandless eyes he saw it as cheating on his mom and family because he was taking care of another family. McCandless childhood was good…
We all have to make tough decisions in ours lives. As for Chris McCandless, the main character of Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, it was easy. He knew exactly what he wanted and that's what he went for. Many people assume that Chris had a mental problem but he truly just wanted to be on his own, doing the things that he loved. While it is true there may have been smarter choices that could have been made, in regards to how he lived, however, it does not mean that he should have never gone into the wild.…
Humanity also played a big part in the reason why he decided to go to Alaska. He seemed to be upset about a lot of things in his own perspective way of life. Chris was upset at parents because he was…
Who was McCandless exactly? It’s as if he was a person who shared and helped but then backed away when things got too evolving from him. Chris believed throughout his travels that the only thing a person needs to be happy was themselves and nothing more. He reassures this in a letter he writes to Ron Franz stating his point is, “that you do…
Throughout some parts of the book, Chris handled things poorly. He was stubborn, ungrateful and stupid. An example of this is how he acted during the situation with his parents when Krakauer reveals Mr. McCandless’s secret love affair. Despite the fact that his…
Everyone has an obligation to be kind and compassionate to a certain degree, but they also have their limits. McCandless simply exceeded his limit, and decided to do something for himself for once. I think that Chris could have communicated better with his parents, but all in all, he made a decision to better himself; to make him happier. Hurting his parents was in no way intentional, though I doubt he would have regretted it too much, had he known. He dealt with a lot with his parents and eventually it got to him, and he didn’t want to take anymore.…
Chris McCandless abandoned modern world and choose the wild because he believed that he can improve himself through living in the world, and finds the true happiness of the life. McCandless abandoned his wealthy family because his complicated relationship with his father, and he was ashamed with his father’s adultery. Therefore, McCandless believed that human relationship is not a thing that forms happiness, and the connection with nature brings joy as well. He also believed the habitual lifestyle was what people meant to do, and people shouldn't have more possessions than what they need. For this reason, McCandless travel with little effects. In addition, McCandless thought he can find the solution to his confusion with the adultery of his…
Selflessness Jon Krakauer once said, “ A man who has given away small fortune, forsaken a loving family, abandoned his car, watch, and map, and burned the last of his money before traipsing off into the wilderness”(Krakauer 71). A lot of people believed that Chris did not care about anyone but himself, or they thought he did not think about consequences. Chris just wanted to do what felt right in the moment and what made him feel like he was fulfilling his life. Like Krakauer, Chris did what he felt like he needed to do to show people he can do anything he put his mind to. Chris did many things that made people ask if he cared more about other people rather than his own safety.…
Do you ever wonder what it’d be like to escape society and live off the wild? That is exactly what young Chris McCandless did. Chris was different from most people; he wanted to live his life free from society and rules. I take my own stance and believe Chris McCandless wasn’t crazy or incompetent; he just wanted to escape the chaos of the world.…
what he was getting himself into? Chris had a sense of adventure even as a young boy.…
“.. He’d grown tired of Bullhead, tired of punching a clock, tired of the “plastic people” he worked with, and decided to get the hell out of town.” By moving around, Chris was able to evade authority and his parents. Chris extremely disliked the government because Chris viewed life in a more free way. This is sparked by the relationship Chris had with his parents as his relationship with them and the acts of his father changed his life.…
His parents were not worried about him because they thought that Chris McCandless would be fine and be doing good. So he leaves in his little yellow car to travel for the summer. On July 6 he arrives Lake Meadow Recreational Area in Nevada. Like i think that Chris McCandless did horrible because he could of studied for a better job than just traveling over the summer. While he was at Nevada Chris McCandless has to abandon his car because it was damaged by a flash flood and he had to pack everything in his backpack and leave on…