
Why High School Should Start Later

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Why High School Should Start Later
Starting the high school day early is like taking out the trash. Even though no one wants to do it, they still have to. The idea of high school starting later in the day sounds positive, but it would not be beneficial. To start off, if the school day started later, that would mean students would go home later. If this happened, students wouldn’t be able to have much free time to do what they want to do. This would mean students would not be able to do activities they enjoy like; sports or clubs since students would be released from school later. To add, if students do not get at least some free time, it can impact their mental health causing them to get even more overwhelmed. Additionally, school employees, like teachers, would have to stay on the job longer. Having them stay on duty longer could affect their family schedule. Parents, who are teachers, would be obliged to possibly leave early to pick up their younger kids from school. All in …show more content…
A student’s body schedule and daily routines could get off balance. For example, if a student is used to waking up early or eating at a certain time, with the time change, their body schedule would be in a jumble. Also, students these days prefer to want to get what they need to accomplish quicker so it would be better if students just started the day early like they already do so they can get everything they need to do. It would also more than likely be a bit darker when school lets out. This brings up a safety concern considering it can be unsafe for students walking home from school. The fact that students would get out of school later when it is a little darker out than the students were used too, could be challenging for the reason that it would feel like they were there all day. In short,it would not be helpful to start the school day later due to the physiological impacts it could

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